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Sample excavation at Croftmoraig stone circle, 2012, Richard Bradley by Andy B on Sunday, 14 August 2016

The aims of the 2012 excavation

1.To collect sample of micro-charcoal from stratified deposits that were not completely excavated in 1965.
2.To shed light on the procedures followed in the 1965 excavation so that
the published and archive record could be interpreted with more confidence
3.To resolve a few problems of interpretation suggested by a study of the
site photographs.

New research at Croftmoraig suggests a complex sequence of events on the site. The first was the recognition that quite by chance the midsummer sunset could be observed behind Schiehallion from a striking orange rock on top of a natural mound

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Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road