Comment Post

Re: Bois de Cazalis by moptop on Wednesday, 09 March 2016

Hi, Google Earth search shows a likely interesting point in the Bois de Cazalis, but not at the co-ordinates given on your page, which is considerably west of the actual position of the Bois de Cazalis itself, which Google Earth places at (centre) lat 43.528910 lon 3.550233, roughly.

My seeking has identified a possible mound at lat 43.528932° lon 3.548366° (centre) and a possible small circle with perhaps several stones still standing a little to the NE of it, at lat 43.529025° lon 3.548448°. This placement also looks to agree with the placement shown for the 'menhir du bois de Cazalis' on

It is really quite exciting, if it is actually what it looks like from this view, although it may not be - there are certainly plenty of other points around there where there may be individual stones. It seems to be quite undocumented, despite there having been considerable research done at the start of the 20th C in the Langued'oc Roussillon. I note that there are other dolmen and menhir in the region, or have been. I'm not sure if this is the same one mentioned as being shown on geoportail (I couldn't identify it properly in that application)

The google map links are,3.5483518,102m/data=!3m1!1e3, and,3.5483518,102m/data=!3m1!1e3, hope that works

Wanted to share it, thanks

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