Comment Post

Re: Devils Quoits by NickyD on Monday, 16 November 2015

Obviously a huge amount of effort has gone into restoring this site and I'm grateful to them for giving me the opportunity to see it. However it's surrounded by a noisy recycling centre and tractors turning over/hiding our waste in the fields next to it. It does have a lovely lake on one side with good wildlife and lots of young trees have been planted too. I'm sure in years to come when the area around it is wooded and when there’s little trace of the once landfill site, then this will be a magical place (with still maybe the distance hum of the recycling centre to contend with!!).

It would have taken me much longer to find the site if I hadn't had Hamish's route descriptions (thanks for that). I initially went for route 1 (as it looked the quickest!) but the parking area had a big sign up saying 'private' (there were also lots of people milling around so I couldn't really be discrete!!). I resigned myself to route 2 and parked fine. I was quite anxious going that way though (hence walking very briskly and sweating a little!!). The area that the concrete drive is on is very dodgy (for a woman walking on her own) as there's lots of derelict buildings for strange people to hide in (maybe I have an over active imagination!!). This would be fine if there's two of you but I think if I'd known this about route 2 then, I would have gone with my first choice and parked next to the recycling centre.

It's definitely an impressive site though and worth a visit.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road