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Dig into history at archaeological site in Kingsland by Andy B on Tuesday, 29 September 2015

You can walk in the footsteps of the pre-historic people who hunted, gathered, cooked and lived along the Colorado River at the Nightengale Archaeological Center in Kingsland.

“This part of the country was heaven on earth to pre-historic people,” said Patrick Hatten, a member of the Llano Uplift Archeological Society, which is based in Llano and runs the center. Along with plentiful water, says Hatten, they had plenty of wildlife to hunt and some of the best tool-making material around: Edwards chert, or flint, from the Edwards Plateau.

“(The flint) was widely traded, because of its quality,” Hatten explained as he recently conducted a tour of the grounds at the Nightengale Archaeological Center. Hatten is one of the members usually on hand to lend his expertise as he leads visitors along winding, gravel pathways through the wooded acreage along the lakeshore. His excitement for and knowledge of his subject shows as he tells the story of our Hill Country ancestors. When asked about his enthusiasm, he humbly maintains his status as an amateur.

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