Comment Post

Re: Time Team discovers 3,000 years of history at Cardiff site by Anonymous on Wednesday, 06 May 2015

On the programme of this Time Team dig, the name 'Caerau' was assumed to be a corruption of a Welsh word for fort. I have trouble with seeing any resemblance between the two. I played on the smaller hill fort(north of the time team site) as a child (I'm 76)& there was a spring there. I also came across an very old map online some years ago, which I can no longer find, which had 'cayre' on it. That is Latin for 'sacred', & as springs were sacred to the celts as a whole, I think this was mistakenly converted to a Welsh approximation. We always pronounced it the same as the Latin, though in later years other people pronounced it differently. I was born 1/4 of a mile from Caerau village & my Aunt was married in St.Mary of the Virgin church before it was vandalised.I loved that church & place. I now live in Tasmania.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road