Comment Post

Re: Gawton's Well, March 2015 by ballhc on Monday, 09 March 2015

I wonder if anyone can help; I visit this site regularly and consider it to be a very calming spiritual place. In recent months, there is an increasing trend for people carving into the bark of the yew trees, they are carving so deep that big pieces of bark have come off; I understand this opens the tree to the risk of infection.

Already some of the trees look to be in an unhealthy state. This growing vandalism possibly comes as a result of changes to signposting making the well a lot easier to find; it was previously quite well tucked away and seemed to be mainly visited by people with spiritual interests (rather than those who wanted to gouge the initials of their latest conquest in the trees). It is also a place where people leave prayers, dedications to the deceased, dream catchers and other offerings; now this too seems to be open to bizarre interpretations, the latest item to be 'offered' is someones shoe hanging from a tree.

This once beautiful, revered beauty spot seems to be at risk of becoming a rubbish dump

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road