Comment Post

Re: Devils Quoits by PAB on Wednesday, 12 March 2014

The kite photos from Hamish Fenton looked so interesting that we visited the Devil’s Quoits today – a very odd visit!

Luckily, I had remembered Hamish’s clear access description, or I would never have persisted. The high fence he mentions encloses an active landfill site – you will know you are getting near to the circle when you can hear the machinery and see the gulls.

Perhaps there is a better ambiance when the tractors aren’t moving the refuse next to the henge, with other lorries deading for the refuse treatment centre on the other side. When we visited, there was a fair amount of traffic bringing refuse in on 2 sides of the henge – to get a good picture, imagine Toy Story 2! OK – that’s possibly a bit strong...but until this phase of landfill ends, the site won’t score highly on Ambiance...but I don't want to be too critical, as many people will have put a lot of time & effort into rescuing this site.

I am not sure whether access option 1 as described by Hamish is still viable, but his route 2 is the one we followed – still no direction signs en route to indicate that the circle is there. Perhaps they are planned for when the circle can be enjoyed to the full - perfectly legitimate aim, so perhaps merely delay your visit until someone can report a more welcoming & less fragrant experience?

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road