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Research at Mount Padang is Done, Researchers Find Something 'Special' by Anonymous on Friday, 13 September 2013

Jakarta - Independent Integrated Research Team (TTRM) Gunung Padang have finished doing the initial research. A number of samples have been studied and prepared for the report. They reported found something special.

Erick Rizky, TTRM members said, the report results of research in Gunung Padang will then be reported to the President, several ministries, local government of West Java and local government regency of Cianjur . Of the report, the research will be continued by the state.

The research team found four layers in Mount Padang. According to Erick, layers 1 and 2 will be followed up by the Ministry of Education Culture or the Government. While the other two layers, called very special, to be determined by the president.

"While the layers 3 and 4 are 'very special' and 'the only one in this world' seems not Ministry of Education Culture region. Whether the defense ministry, or the ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, or maybe the National Guards, will be handed over everything to the direction of the President," said Erick in a release told AFP on Wednesday (09/11/2013).

What the special findings is? Based on the analysis of a number of published findings, allegedly a special technology tucked beneath layers of mount padang. Previously, the researchers found a chamber or room, giant bowls, rivers and springs, domes, towers, aquifer and transmitter. Magnetic anomalies are also found in these locations.

These findings point to a device which is similar to a hydroelectric power plant reactors.

President's special staff Andi Arief is also part of the research team said, it is true there are a number of findings in Mount Padang. But he did not want to give details of what information the special building is.

"Culture of layer 1 and 2 are excavated by ali akbar's team. Layer 3 and 4 is it true a reactors just like analyzed, I need to ask the researchers more detail. Many parties are asking the same thing." he told reporters when asked for confirmation.

"I can not precede the conclusion of researchers. I just could make sure the content is an advanced technology," he continued.

Research on site of Gunung Padang is indeed invited the attention of many parties. When discussed, this site is associated with the pyramids. While many would call Mount Padang's model just similar to site on Machupichu.

The study was conducted independently integrated team consisting of various experts. What actually the contents of the mountain is? The Report of the researchers will answer it.

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