Comment Post

Re: Drumtroddan by Vicky on Tuesday, 29 October 2002

There are three separate outrcrops, two in the main field and one to the rear of the field over a drystone wall (there are steps in the wall but these are hard to see until you get up close). Two standing stones can be seen in the distance.

The site is well signposted from the road with Historic Scotland signs and parking is available in the farmyard (a charge of 50p is made). Once in the farmyard, the signs seem to disappear - you need to go round the back of the farmhouse (following the track to the left of the main building) through the gate (take wellies if it is wet - there were large puddles everywhere when we went!) and up into the field.

The rock art is quite well preserved on the two outcrops in the field, but the one over the wall has weathered badly.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road