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Isle of Iona may be ancient burial site by Andy B on Wednesday, 19 June 2013

An archaeological survey on the famous Scots isle of Iona – where St Columba landed 1450 years ago to spread Christianity in Scotland – has shown signs of ancient burials.

This is the first geophysical investigation to be undertaken away from the core focus of the Columban monastic enclosure and the Benedictine Abbey.

The surveys were carried out on National Trust for Scotland land on the island by Dr Sue Ovenden and Alastair Wilson of Rose Geophysical Consultants.

The pair examined two areas in the fields to the south of the village - one close to the current village hall and south of the Nunnery and the other at Martyr’s Bay.

The area close to the village hall seems to show features of recent or natural origin which will be excavated later this year.

However, the more interesting result came from Martyr’s Bay where there is a mound beside the road where skeletal remains were excavated in the 1960s.

Derek Alexander, the Trust’s Head of Archaeology Derek, said: “The geophysical survey shows that on the landward side, this mound may have been revetted by stones and surrounded by a shallow ditch. This could be a sign of burials.

“It has always been suggested that there are numerous burial sites on Iona and there have been various finds over the years, the most famous of which is in the graveyard at Relig Odhrain to the south of the Abbey.

“The burials that have been discovered so far are absolutely fascinating. For example, those unearthed by excavations at Martyr’s Bay in the 1960s were quite unusual - there were some 40 skeletons packed into an area about 4m long by 2m wide.

“These appeared quite jumbled and many may have been reburied, especially as the carbon dating showed that one skeleton dating from the 13 - 15th century was below one dating from the 6 – 8th century.

“It’s possible that this mound has some connection to another graveyard that’s marked on an old map, known as Clad Nan Druineach.

“We plan to investigate the area further in September, and hope that the findings will add more to what we already know about this fascinating island’s cultural and spiritual story.”

More in the Scotsman

With thanks to Coldrum for the link

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