Comment Post

Re: Civilization One by Anonymous on Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Megalithic civilization

The information of of the site "Let's solve the enigma of the earth" told me it is impossible for ancient people to make such megalithic civilization as exist on the earth now , because longevity of ancient people was extremely short and their population was too small.
As the stone is too heavy, they were not able to lift them up as they had no heavy equipments.
Did they have heavy equipments?
Of course No.
No other explanation but the information of THE UNIVERSE(THE SKY)=SORA can't explain why megalithic civilization exists on the earth.

A lot of images of megalithic civilization are introduced in the following site.

You can find the information of THE UNIVERSE(THE SKY)=SORA below.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road