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New paper: Adornments and ornaments found at the Neolithic enclosure of Champ-Durand by Andy B on Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Pièces d’ornement ou de parure attribuées au Néolithique récent – Exemples provenant de l’enceinte de Champ-Durand, à Nieul-sur-l’Autise (Vendée), et du monument mégalithique du Planti, à Availles-sur-Chizé (Deux-Sèvres)
by Luc Laporte

Approximate English translation of summary from Google (needs rewording rather a lot!)

Characterization of the Late Neolithic ornament in the center-west of France is not easy. Most of these small objects were collected in mid sepulchral, ​​where the search often involves a systematic screening of the land. Multiple reuse in collective graves built in the Middle Neolithic, throughout the Neolithic and final assignment hinder However unfailing funerary associated with them. Contexts habitat are rarely of much help, as well as furniture from the filling of these large ditches pregnant multiply here from the Neolithic.

The pieces of jewelery from such contexts are extremely minority view of the number of deposits or domestic waste of any kind so collected. They are also compared with the number of pieces of jewelery from tombs. Resulting from operating relatively short chains, the intrinsic value of identity in the context of production, more often hardly noticeable at first on this type of parts. Such a finding also reveals the lack of attention by many of our colleagues what they consider as a little accessory.

The body adornments, displayed for all to see as the garment which they contribute, were yet explicit markers of identity that is often sought to characterize so many other ways. To better take into account all these parameters, it seemed useful to add to the study of a few pieces of jewelery collected in the enclosure trenched Champ-Durand, Nieul-sur-l'Autise in Vendée, the study unpublished those from the excavation, also quite recently, a megalithic monument on the other side of the Marais Poitevin, in Availles-sur-Chizé in Deux-Sèvres. It seems that was reused during the Neolithic.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road