Comment Post

Re: Dinas Emrys by Anonymous on Monday, 21 October 2002

I visited Dinas Emrys in September of this year with a friend. We arrived in North Wales (from London) at 10pm, and after failing to find nearby Penmachno or Capel Curig we decided to find Dinas Emrys and camp wild there. We had no idea what it was. It loomed above the road where we parked our car. We crossed a few barbed wire fences and stone walls and tramped through boggy fields for half an hour. Eventually we started climbing up the western (i.e. wrong) side of the hillfort, over the ramparts. It took us about an hour as it was pitch black and pretty scary. We camped at the top of the fort overlooking the valley, which was beautiful, at around 1.30am. During the night I heard some peculiar noises, including low, fast drumming coming from somewhere very near. Add to that the fact that it was a full moon *and* the Autumn Equinox (an old Celtic festival), and you can imagine the whole experience was fairly terrifying! Wonderful too though. When we woke up, the hillfort was transformed by the light. Impressive stuff. We took the eastern route down this time.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road