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Dumbarton Castle by Andy B on Friday, 07 September 2012

Dumbarton Castle
Opening times throughout September, Mon - Sun, 9.30 to 17.30.
Contact: , Historic Scotland.
Tel: 01389 732 167
Where: Postcode: G82 1JJ. Grid reference: NS 398 744.

Dumbarton Castle is a stronghold with a recorded history reaching back 1,500 years. First known as Alt Clut, ‘Rock of the Clyde’, it later became known by the Gaelic name Dun Breatann, ‘Fortress of the Britons’, from which the name Dumbarton is derived.

First built in the 1220s, the castle was effective against threats from Norway, the then rulers of the Hebrides and Clyde Islands. Its defences last saw military action as recently as the Second World War.

The mighty Dark-Age stronghold sits high on a volcanic rock, a vantage point with a view for miles.

From the 5th century AD until 1018, Dumbarton Rock was the capital of the British kingdom of Strathclyde. Legend tells of Merlin the magician staying at King Riderch’s court there in the 6th century. The Rock was besieged several times, but the Viking assault in 870 was by far the worst. After a four-month siege, Kings Olaf and Ivar of Dublin carried off the slaves and looted treasure in 200 longships.

William Wallace may have been held prisoner here before being taken to London for execution and David II (in 1333–4) and Mary Queen of Scots (in 1548) both sheltered here until ships could take them to France and safety.

Adult £4.50, Child £2.70, Concession £3.60

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