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Ness of Brodgar in the spotlight at the Orkney Museum by Andy B on Tuesday, 01 May 2012

Saturday, May 5, saw the opening of the new summer exhibition at the Orkney Museum, Tankerness House, Kirkwall.

Ness of Brodgar: The Heart of Neolithic Orkney is a chance to find out more about the archaeological site that everyone it talking about.

The Orkney Museum has worked closely with the Orkney Research Centre for Archaeology (ORCA), which is part of Orkney College University of Highlands and Islands, so that the text is the most up-to-date record of what has been found so far and how it might have been used.

Not only is the story told in text and photographs, but the visitor will be able to see a large collection of artefacts that have been found during the excavation.

With so many unique finds on display, the exhibition aims to give visitors a glimpse of life in the Neolithic, some 5,000 years ago. There are ceremonial maceheads, polished stone axes, flints, pottery and a large collection of Neolithic art.

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