Comment Post

Re: Cauldside Burn by HardcoreDave on Sunday, 08 May 2005

I got to this site by walking all the way from Glenquicken stone circle.

This was about a mile and a half walk up (and down) the Cambret Hill, through Cambret Moor, via lots of sheep.

In hindsight, I would drive to the top of Cambret Hill and then walk down from there. On the way down, there are lots of cairns not marked on the OS map and possibly some stone circles. (There are lots of stones in that field but due to it being a windy, cold day in Galloway, I didn't investigate further.

On the top of Cambret Hill there are some large scary looking transmitters and the road to this is marked as a Private Road... but it's Scotland and we have no tresspassing laws etc. so if you do go up there, there is enough space to park by the cattle grid on that road.

When I visited Glenquicken there was a farmer driving about in his quad bike with his sheepdog.
He waved and us and seemed fairly friendly.

More pictures to come...

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road