Comment Post

Re: Iceman Oetzi gets a new face for 20th anniversary by Anonymous on Saturday, 17 December 2011

I will reply to this post ( as I did some months ago, which was deleted by this post board within a hour after I had posted it.)

Accidents actually do happen and an accident of a backward fall by Otzi that caused a piercing of his back by an arrow head is not only conceivable, but would be quite common, especially by a specimen so unique as Otzi. If one would by chance find a body, high up in the Alps, how would one commonly suppose that the body met it's fate? Deliberate violence? or accident? I say accident.

Otzi had a head wound which would indicate a fall. No shaft of the arrow in his back has been found, which would indicate his sucessful attempt to dislodge the shaft.

In answer to the Spring pollen found in Otzi, simple common sense should apply here. Grain then, ( as well as now ) was "stored"..Ozzie could have ate grain that was stored at anytime that grain was harvested and stored.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road