Comment Post

Re: Adisham by coldrum on Sunday, 06 November 2011

From Pastscape:

"A small pit- or post-defined circle is visible as cropmarks on air photographs taken on July 16th 2001. Slightly oval in shape, its long axis is aligned roughly northwest-southeast, with the largest space between pits at the northwestern end. Overall it is a maximum of 14 metres long by 12 metres wide. Alternatively it could be viewed as a nearly north-south aligned U-shaped monument with the mouht of the U partly blocked by a seventh off-centre pit or post. It is defined by seven distinct and elongated pits measuring up to 4 metres by 2 metres. However, the former would be more in keeping with the local topography, the northwesterly direction being that in which the ground falls away. The elongated shape may suggest ramped pits which formerly held upright timbers. "

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road