Comment Post

Re: Torp by DrewParsons on Friday, 07 October 2011

There are 274 carvings at this interesting site including 150 cup marks, 59 boats, 32 people, 26 animals, 2 framed figures, 1 circle, 1 hand, 1 vehicle and 1 coil. Some of the most interesting carvings include a person holding two horses one of which is mounted by another person. A ship floats in a natural water channel which runs down the rock face, and some rectangular carvings occur which are variously interpreted as Bronze Age long houses, Iron Age shields and even field plot maps. Figures jump from on high, a huge figure almost a metre tall may be a god whilst two men with spears and perhaps a bolas stand in a ship. There are many cup marks and other symbols too. The painting of these carvings was somewhat faded in September 2011 and some were hard to see. Without the paint they would have remained largely hidden and so it goes to show how helpful even faint paint is to identify the carvings. To reach the site take exit 113 on the E6 and drive south past Nordby shopping complex to take the second turn right (west) up a farm lane for 300 metres and park by the four or so farm houses and cottages. A post indicates where to park and points the 25 metres along a path to the site.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road