Comment Post

Re: Ninian’s Cave to the Isle of Whithorn, Saturday 17th September 2011 by Andy B on Sunday, 28 August 2011

Ninian’s Cave to the Isle of Whithorn

Region:Dumfries and Galloway
Saturday 18th September, 11.30am - 4pm
Meet at Physgill Glen car park

A coastal walk, from Ninian’s Cave, via the prehistoric promontory forts at Port Castle, Carghidown, Tonderghie and Castle Feather, and the 18th century Mary Mine at Tonderghie, to Burrow Head, site of three more forts and a WW2 Anti-Aircraft Training Battery and on to the chapel and fort at the Isle of Whithorn. 6.5 miles, moderate grade. Stout footwear advisable.

Andrew Nicholson
Dumfries and Galloway Council
01387 260154
[email protected]

Scottish Archaeology Month 2011

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