Comment Post

Re: Drummer Boys Grave Stone by 4clydesdale7 on Sunday, 31 July 2011

Although the two pieces of stone have been examined studiously on many occasions by many scholars no formal dating has ever been given with any precision - what seems to have been agreed by most is that from its crude and primitive construction and the type of slag recovered nearby the stone is highly likely to be pre-roman; there is a roman paved road very close by; the stone is believed to have formed the base of an early primitive 'bloomery' (smelting furnace); at nearby Soudley and Lydney Park Camps similar forms of slag have been found suggesting a period 200BC to 50AD; certainly Iron smelting was becoming widespread in the Forest of Dean by 200BC; for further reading (of a general nature) consider The Industrial History of Dean by Cyril Hart - David and Charles 1971 ISBN 0-7153-5288-1

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road