Comment Post

Re: Artington Spring by lee on Wednesday, 16 March 2005

St Catherines Hill has always held a deep fascination with me(born in Guildford lived in the area for 26 yrs) from playing in the sandbanks when a kid to finding mesolithic flints as an adult. When we were young we used to imagine the caves on the roadside as the home for Dragons,imagine my surprise when i found out its former name of Drake Hill could mean Dragons hill i knew there was some thing special thereabouts. I have even found oyster shells in the sand on the road side washed down with rotting leaves in the rain, ive read that oysters where a staple food item in the Middle Ages, the time when the fair was held! Also on the road side at the top but in the side of the cliff there was a man sized hollow that when young we considerd it to be a hermit's hole, now i know it could have been te result of quarring whether for building materials,as at St Marthas chapel across the Wey or for iron ore(not sure 'bout that one). When i went up to the hill on Feb192005 went to the 'hermit hole' and found that someone had dug a cavern at least 10ft deep into the side of the hole,with various markings,ledges with burnt candles and left offerings in the form of walkers crisp packets and plastic pint of milk both unopened. Sorry for the rambling comment but if anyone has more info on history of the hill and/or cavern then please post on sit or e-mail [email protected]

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road