Comment Post

Re: Neanderthal Man 'never walked in northern Europe' by Anonymous on Monday, 28 March 2011

I would like to comment about a program on public telivision about early man. I would like to say first that the idea that neanderthal man and modern man are not one of the same is a hoax the scientists on the public broadcasting admited it to be a hoax. how do I know this. listen carefully no I did not misunderstand anything on the program please. those in the scientistic community and again I did not misunderstand what they were saying. modern humans supposedly migrated from central africa fifty thousand years ago to australia yes I said australia. but they could not reach europe or what is now the middle east because get ready their was a desert between central africa and europe and the middle east. now they would have us believe that their were no coastlines on the western part of africa or the easter parts of africa their were no rivers leading into the mediterranean ocean from central africa that early humans could have followed into europe or into the middle east total complete nonsense. whats even more outrageous is the idea that moderns humans could not find their away around a desert but they could find their way half way across the world to australia across oceans thousands and thousands of miles but they could not find a way around a desert a desert. the reason those in the scientistic community concocted such a absurd theory is simply this. if they admited modern humans migrated from africa to europe fifty thousand years ago. that would mean that neanderthal man and modern man coexist together for twenty thousand years. thirty thousand years ago thats when the scientisic community says neanderthal man disappeared well if they coexisted for twenty thousand years that would prove that they could not remain separate species if they were together for twenty thousand years they would have merged together as one no doubt.

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