Comment Post

Museum of London senior curator of Prehistory to be lost and three jobs merged by Andy B on Saturday, 12 March 2011

John Shepherd writes:
The posts of senior curator of Prehistory and senior curator of Roman London are to be made redundant with the post of Senior Medieval Curator (frozen since John Clark's retirement) lost too.

The rationale? Not sure I know or understand, sorry. In their place is to be a single curator to cover the Prehistoric, Roman and Medieval periods. Where once were three period curators successfully advocating their collections and subjects, now there will be one to deal with the whole lot.

Of course, curators around the country have to manage multi-period collections - but this is the Museum of London. The narrative, its collection, the potentials are enormous. This reduction will make the sole surviving curator's post not fit for purpose - and heaven forbid what the next step will be.

This is part of total job losses of 15 posts. However the Directorate and senior staff (increased salaries of 60-90k) have increased from 6 to 10 in 2010

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road