Comment Post

Re: Le Dehus by rogeralbin on Tuesday, 16 November 2010

A suggestion that parties interested in background information given that a lane about 300m away toward Bordeaux is named Rue de Cocange [Coke AN yah], Cocainge being the French medieval term for the Terrestrial Paradise, here geese lay golden eggs and the fountain of youth is at the end of the street, further reading might be informative.
Suggestions I would make would be the Irish 'Aine of Cnocaine'. The early French 'Huon de Bordeaux' and its sequel 'Chanson d'Esclarmonde' where Esclarmonde is bathed in the fountain of youth by Morgan to make her immortal and turned into a Fairey by Jesus to safegaurd her son Huon's [modern Welsh Huan: Sun] right to the throne of Faerie over Arthur.
The Breton story of Ker Y's . [Ker Y's French spelling, Caer Y's Breton] also the Irish Cear Ibormieth. The Breton one includes Dahut and Mabon [Angus Og] and a referance to Dahud becoming a Marree [sea] Morgan, Aine sometimes known as Aine Marine. The term 'Morgaine's Well' demonstrates Aine as a part of the same name indicating in my view a belief system more widely spread than todays National boundaries.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road