Comment Post

Re: Newgrange by Anonymous on Monday, 01 November 2010

The EIS has stated that the impact on Newgrange of the new road in Slane will be minimal. The road will be 4 miles away (not 500 meters). Traffic will not be audible from Newgrange. The road will not be visible from Newgrange. It may be visible from Knowth, if you stand on top of the mound and use binoculars to look in the direction of Slane (which is obviously not allowed), and even then the visual impact is minimal (so minimal in fact that photographs of the "before" and "after" view show practically no difference, and members of Save Newgrange actually stated that they thought that two "before" photographs were printed, until the minor differences were pointed out).

The anti-bypass campaign is run by a professional road objector who has so far been involved in two failed campaigns, cost the Irish state millions, and has been described by a judge as not acting in the public interest.

Newgrange is an absolutely wonderful, treasured part of the Slane heritage. It will be here, untouched, after all of us have passed on. Enjoy it, and please don't have any fears for its future.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road