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Allt Eileag nearby by Andy B on Wednesday, 01 September 2010

Also chambered cairn at
NGR NC 3135 0794

(NC 3135 0794) Cairn (NR).
OS 6"map, (1967)

A fine, possibly Orkney-Cromarty type horned cairn of bare stone measuring 20m in diameter and 2.3m high was discovered during field investigation. It shows some disturbance but is unlikely to have been robbed. The east side is probably distorted by a short stretch of secondary walling. The entrance has probably been from a little north of east, from the centre of the flatter side of the cairn, but none of the passage structure is now discernible. The chamber is indicated by a number of corbel stones mostly belonging to the NW side and the innermost wall, the roof having partly collapsed, though the chamber and passage are presumably otherwise intact. Various large slabs lie apart outside the chamber, presumably displaced corbel stones and lintels.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road