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A good guide to visiting St. Ann's Hill by Andy B on Saturday, 07 August 2010

A good guide to visiting St. Ann's Hill

St. Ann's is a wooded hill of great beauty. It is almost 250 feet high and at one time had commanding views over the surrounding countryside. It is said that, on a clear day you could see St. Paul's Cathedral and, of course, the much closer Windsor Castle. Today many of the views are obscured by trees, but there is a good lookout from the beacon, where you can see aircraft taking off from Heathrow - and the new Terminal 5 and control tower.

The hill takes its name from a chapel built in 1334 and dedicated to St.Ann. Its original name was Eldebury (Oldbury) Hill and it is the site of a Bronze Age fort (around 300 BC). There are traces of old earthen defences. Unfortunately, the chapel became a ruin and almost all of it is now buried. A single wall remains, but that is within the private grounds of Reservoir Cottage.

One interesting feature that you can still see is the "Nun's Well", which is a spring emerging from under a brick arch. It is said that it never freezes, even in the coldest winter. There is also another spring in Monk's Grove, on the east side of the hill (towards Thorpe Road) - but I have not visited it.

His blog also has lots of other interesting walks in the area

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