Comment Post

Re: Pierre au Loup by DrewParsons on Monday, 03 May 2010

This pleasant, well preserved dolmen is located to the east of the town of Seiches-sur-le-Loir down the gravel lane running north from the D766, 100 metres west of the A11. There is a sign post " Pierre au Loup" at the junction of the D766 and this lane. The lane runs north for 100 metres and then turns north east. 80 metres from this turn the dolmen can be seen 25 metres into the woods on the north (right) side of the lane. The GPS given on the Meg Portal site is incorrect, my hand held GPS at the site gave: 47.57108N 00.33575W. In winter the site would be much easier to locate than in spring when it was hidden by tree growth, although I had been expecting to find it further along the lane given the coordinates on the website at the time of my visit in Aril 2010. The lane ends at a farm a further 300 metres or so on so don't drive that far.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road