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Newgrange - Access by Runemage on Friday, 23 April 2010

Access to the visitor centre near Newgrange is a short walk from a large car-park. The visitor centre is the only place to purchase tickets for excursions to Newgrange or Newgrange and Knowth. There is a special room inside the visitor centre with a full size mock-up of one half of the entrance passage so anyone in a wheelchair, with poor mobility or claustrophobia can have some idea of what it's like.

There is no wheelchair access for disabled people to the monument itself.

Newgrange is accessed by a walk downhill from the visitor centre to the minibus stop. There's a short minibus ride, then a walk uphill to the monument. Then there are several steps to negotiate shown clearly here
and the passage is narrow in places.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road