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Ancient Anglo Saxon and Iron Age artefacts and human remains found near Rudston by Andy B on Saturday, 16 January 2010

Story from 22nd Oct 2009

Ancient Anglo Saxon and Iron Age artefacts and human remains found between Rudston and Boynton East Yorkshire.

ANCIENT human remains have been unearthed during an archaeological dig at the Caythorpe Gas Storage site between Rudston and Boynton.
Five human burials have been recovered by experts.

One set of remains dates to the late Iron Age and had been buried with a simple iron brooch.

Another dates back probably to the Anglo-Saxon period and had been buried with an iron knife.

Archaeologists have also found evidence of a settlement at the site, including an Iron Age round house and at least one Anglo-Saxon building.
Other finds recovered include a Roman brooch, an Anglo-Saxon coin, large fragments of a millstone and numerous fragments of pottery and animal bones.

Gas supply company Centrica believed during the early planning stages for its development that it would come across certain archaeological finds as part of the project.

Allowances had been made in the timetable to unearth and share any remains.
Humber Field Archaeology was involved in the dig and is currently excavating the site on Centrica Storage's behalf before construction work begins.

The skeletons have been removed from the site by archaeologists but some of the first people to see other finds were pupils from Boynton Primary School.

Children from years five and six were invited to Centrica Storage Limited's site, which is just down the road from the school, to learn about an archaeological dig that has been taking place over recent months.

The children donned hard hats and high visibility vests so they could be taken on a tour of the excavated area on site before taking their seats back in the classroom to look at actual artefacts and photographs of finds.

Peter Cardwell, a leading archaeologist whose association with the site spans more than 15 years, took the children through what has been done, what has been found and what happens to the remains in the future.
Joe Dodd, headteacher at Boynton Primary School, said: "It was great to learn that such interesting artefacts have been found on our doorstep.
"The children were really excited and couldn't wait to go down to the site to learn about what had taken place and the things that the archaeologists have unearthed.

"It was a really enlightening experience for them and we're very pleased Centrica Storage offered the school an opportunity to be a part of it."

Pupil Megan, 10, said: "I loved looking at things from the olden days.
"I really liked seeing all the different types of bones they had found in the ground."

India, also 10, added: "I liked it in the classroom and on the site, as you got to look at lots of different archaeological finds.
"I've been on building sites before but never a site like this.
"I really liked some of the old pottery we looked at."

Justin Keynon, health and safety site manager at Centrica's Caythorpe site, said: "I am really pleased we've been able to get the local school involved looking at the archaeological dig.
"I think they will have found it very educational and something they can share with each other, their parents and with their younger classmates back at school.

"We started digging in July and plan to continue again in 2010 so the children will just be getting a glimpse of some of our first excavations. Hopefully there'll be more to come."

The school visit follows a tour by the Caythorpe Gas Storage project community liaison committee earlier this month.
Tony Ezard, chairman of Rudston Parish Council, said: "I attended the site visit with the community liaison committee and found it very interesting and informative.

"I am sure the school children appreciated being shown around and enjoyed the experience.

"We are really pleased with the way in which Centrica Storage has engaged with the local community since it took over the project and we would like to thank the project team for the opportunity to visit the site."


Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road