Comment Post

Re: The Plain of Jars by Runemage on Friday, 25 December 2009

"Archaeologists have come up with a more sober theory - but no supporting evidence, alas - to the effect that the jars are actually coffins, perhaps as much as 2,000 years old. "

Not according to this...
"In the 1930s, French archeologist Madeline Colani documented the jars in a 600-page monograph, The Megaliths of Upper Laos, She discovered some jars contained bronze and iron tools, and bracelets, along with cowry shells and glass beads, while the rest appeared to have been looted, and concluded that they were funeral urns carved by a vanished Bronze Age people. This theory has been strengthened by the more recent discovery of underground burial chambers. "

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road