Comment Post

Re: Three Hills Barrows, Woodford by Andy B on Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Also nearby

Aldwincle (NGR SP 996803)
Excavation of a small dispersed cemetery comprising four round barrows and a Neolithic mortuary enclosure was
carried out between 1967 and 1971 during gravel extraction (Jackson 1976).

The original mortuary enclosure was rectangular, defined by shallow and irregular gullies. It was later surrounded by
a substantial ditch, with narrow causeways to the S.E. Within the central area two inhumation burials lay between a
pair of post-pits. An outer ditch of oval plan marked the creation of a barrow mound.

Two of the barrows had central graves containing inhumation burials in boat-shaped coffins, and both were
accompanied by Beaker style grave goods. The remains of eleven widely scattered un-urned cremations lay to the SW
of the mortuary enclosure.

Current condition: lost to gravel extraction.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road