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Local archeologist leads statewide survey of Paleoindian points by Andy B on Sunday, 11 October 2009

Local archeologist leads statewide survey of Paleoindian points

The tools that Montana's early peoples left behind hold invaluable clues to piecing together the state's early history.

Archeologists say the state is brimming with these clues but they're hard to find and often it's not the archeologists who unearth them.

Ruthann Knudson, a semi-retired archeologist and adjunct professor in Great Falls, estimates that 95 percent of Paleoindian artifacts (defined as those older than about 8,500 years) are found by people she calls "avocational archeologists."

Knudson said farmers, ranchers, hikers and the like — the Montanans who work the land and know how to read the land — are the best collectors because they're the ones out in Montana's vast spaces.

"Collecting is about loving the land, and picking up a piece of it," she said.

But that means a lot of Paleoindian artifacts — which are mostly "fluted" points, stone tips of tools characterized by their "fluted" grooves — are scattered across the state, in homes, on farms on ranches, even in safety deposit boxes.

"We just don't know where a lot of these things are," Knudson says.

Which is why Knudson has teamed with the Montana Historical Society and state archeologist Stan Wilmoth to take a statewide survey of Paleoindian artifacts.

"We want to get more people talking about what they know and what they have," Knudson says.

Archeologist Leslie Davis did pioneering work in the late '80s on Paleoindian artifacts, which unearthed many new pieces, but this will be the first broad-based survey in the state, Wilmoth said.

Knudson and Wilmoth are asking private collectors to submit digital photos, descriptions and if possible, approximate locations of their artifacts, either directly to Knudson or via an online form available on the Society's Web site. (www.montanahistoricalsociety. org/shpo/forms.asp)

Some information, such as the specific location of the find or the owners' names would be made public only with permission.

The archeologists are interested in any information, even if it's just a description of an artifact or some knowledge of where artifacts might be.

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