Comment Post

Re: Flimston Castle by PAB on Saturday, 06 June 2009

This Iron Age Hillfort is set on the limestone cliffs on one of the most magnificent stretches of the Pembrokeshire coastline. COFLEIN's entry describes it as 'one of the finest promontory forts of Pembrokeshire, 3 lines of landward defence cutting off an eroding and collapsing limestone headland'.

As with many of these promontory forts, its true magic can best be seen from the air, and the Google Map link is definitely worth taking a look at. If nothing else, it will show you not to go here with young children or dogs unless they are all on reins!

The land within the ramparts most definitely will have been greater in the iron age - the coastal erosion along this stretch is still at work, and a massive chunk fell of the cliff earlier this year less than a mile away. The very large crack on the left of the general view photo I am posting shows just how fragile the coastline is.

To see the COFLEIN images and site entry, just follow this link

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