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Hill fort may delay rollercoaster by coldrum on Saturday, 31 January 2009

Building work on a new rollercoaster could be delayed because of claims it may cover a historical site.

A Staffordshire County Council archaeologist was due to go to Alton Towers next week to see what is believed to be an Iron Age hill fort.

The council started investigating after being contacted by a local resident.

Alton Towers said the details were included in surveys in its planning application. It added the hill fort was nowhere near the proposed ride.

Alton resident Jonathan Shepherd said he had been researching the area's history.

He said he believed the theme park did not realise how far the hill fort extended.

The new rollercoaster is expected to replace the park's Corkscrew ride, which shut in November after 28 years.

A spokesperson for Alton Towers said they were aware of the site and had included that into their planning report.

They added that the hill fort was nowhere near any planned or present rides but at the opposite end of the proposed site, near the staff entrance.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road