Comment Post

Is it a Hill Fort or an Chalk Earth Henge? by MattEU on Sunday, 28 September 2008

In reply to the posting by "Anonymous on Friday, 01 September 2006" you have noticed something very important about most "hill forts", they dont appear to be very good forts. They might have been adapted later on by others and been fortified but originally they appear to be something else.

What where they? They are likely to be connected to the Stone Henges, circles and Tombs etc as places to concentrated or attract the natural power that flows through the earth, think of Ley Lines, Telluric currents and the Northern lights.

This forum discussion below offers further photo evidence and discussion on this topic. Even if it sounds crazy you have to read it so you can say that it is... otherwise how can you dismiss it?

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road