Comment Post

Re: Temple of Eleusis by Antonios on Thursday, 15 May 2008

According to Homeric Hymns,Demeter,the Earth Goddess of agriculture and fertility went to Eleusis in search of her missing daughter Persephone who while she was gathering flowers had been abducted by Pluto,god of the underworld.Distraught,Demeter searching for her daughter caused a terrible drought in which people starved.Finally,with the help of Zeus,Demeter reunites with her daughter on a condition that she had to stay for 6 months underworld (autumn,winter)and 6 months on earth (spring,summer),representing the death and birth of all plant life.The cult of mother goddess was practiced from Mycenaean period (2000 BC)down to Roman period.Visigoth king Alaric with the help of Christian fanatic monks destroyed the holy site in 396 AD,putting an end to sacred rituals that lasted over 2000 years.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road