Comment Post

Re: Knollbury Enclosure by h_fenton on Wednesday, 09 April 2008

Knollbury Enclosure / Knollbury Camp.

A roughly rectangular (150metre x 100metre) univallate hillfort or enclosure (assumed to be Iron Age) it is aligned north west-south east. The hillfort is located on land that gently slopes to the south east and is on the northern side of the Evenlode Valley above the spring line.
The rampart is steep sided and stands to 1.5-3.5metres high it is built of earth and stone. Traces of a ditch outside the bank are just about visible particularly at the south eastern end.
The original entrance would have been on the south east (downhill) facing side, although you cannot see precisely where it was because so much of the rampart has been destroyed on this side.
Knollbury has good views of the Evenlode valley and the Thames valley in the distance to the south. To the north views are restricted to the gentle slope to the top of the hill. Because the slope is so even and gentle over a wide area in this part of the valley Knollbury despite not being on top of the hill is not overlooked – you can't get a decent view of what is inside from anywhere at ground level.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road