Comment Post

Re: Dark Stane Roundie by Anonymous on Tuesday, 18 March 2008

I was delighted to find this site and the comments. The location flagged was very close to where I was brought up and I remember playing at the folly, but I think we called it a fort or "Menzies Castle", pronounced 'meeniss'. I recall reading somewhere that chambered graves and skeletons were found in the area, but it looks like the stones were from the old red sandstone quarry further along Dickson Avenue. I also played on what people still seem to think was an ice house! The "man in the blue van" would indeed chase you as it was on hospital grounds and he would think you were up to no good. We would go there in search of a good "spammy", i.e. a bouncy branch of a tree to which you would acrobatically attach yourself, and shout "spammy!". A sort of pre-cursor to "parkour" or "urban running". Access these days is much better. If you pan down and find Tom McDonald Avenue, the Dark Stane Roundie is clearly visible to the right at the curve of the road. I don't know where the ice house myth came from, it's possible that Ninewells House had one and people thought that it was the barrow. It's too big to be an ice house anyway. Cheers, Colin.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road