Comment Post

Re: Lochmaben Stane by winkyelf on Sunday, 16 March 2008

We visited the Stone on a Sunday afternoon of wintry sunshine and walked along the salt marsh....curlews and wind and that salty tangy smell... too hazy to see the Lake District or Criffel...the Stone is finger-posted along the footpath....climb the floodbank and keep walking towards the Kirtle...a stubble field on the right and top right hand side you'll find's pretty hard to picture a complete circle and quite sad to think that the rest of the stones might be lying buried under your feet...even though the main stone has been re-erected after falling over it still feels very welcoming...almost as though it's glad of the company after being such an important place in bygone will be worth a re-visit in the summer (hopefully without the hazy horizon) and doubly hopeful that the electric fence that runs over the TOP OF THE STILE wont be switched on... GO and say Hello to the stones and feel the smile....

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