Comment Post

Re: Siwa Temple of Amun by qeajohn on Friday, 19 October 2007

The Temple of Jupiter-Siwa, Egypt.

I was asked to submit a story on one of the little known temples of Egypt, that being the Temple of Jupiter located in the oasis of Siwa close to the Lybian border. The temple it self has been badly corroded and has been used for local building material over the many centuries it has stood here.

Today it still provokes a mysterious energy around it especially around its base with its many troglodite cave systems and its commanding position overlooking the oasis of Siwa itself.

It would have looked magnificant when Alexander the Great visited it and was proclaimed the son of Ra (Amun Ra), the Egyptians most prestigious god. In being proclaimed the son of Ra, this was in itself a proclamation and entiltement to the throne of upper and lower Egypt and legitimised his accension to the throne and position of Pharoah. Together with his inner shrine at the Luxor temple which showed his royal blood line and ancestoral link to Amun Ra.

The temple has undergone some conservation work over the years and is an ongoing project which will take many years to accomplish. When you enter the temple you are confronted by a confusing site with many different levels and various different styles of architecture. Temple have been added to by the various relgions that have used the site since its conception.

One of the most intresting parts for me has to be the floor levels directly in front of the main holy of holies which sits beneath I may add. Having dowsed that particular area, a ley line runs directly parralel but not centraly, a little off set. This continues through the holy of holies. I have not found any nodes in the temple itself or the surrounding mound on which it sits.

The other interesting feature has to be the whispering corridor which runs the circumfrance of the inner holy of holies, one can imagine, when you are standing in there, that it was the precise spot that possibly Alexandra the Great received his divine lineage that he was the true son of Ra. Quite amazing really, when in fact it was the priests themselves sitting in the whispering corridor talking to him directly and he though he was talking to Amun Ra himself.

The holy well is also worth a climb down to the bottom of the staircase , unfortuantely the discarded empty water bottles and food wrappers are somewhat off putting but the the feeling that so many priests have made that same descent as you to collect the healing waters of the great oracle, is an awsome experience.

The temple has an allignment with its neigbour the temple of Um, which is in a far worse condition and has become the victim of the high water table in Siwa and has eroded much of what was once there. However, a great conservation project is ongoing on site and has made some brilliant steps in conserving the site for future generations. Recently the temple floor was uncoverd and is made up of various sized blocks laid in a non descript manner forming a level floor area.

The ley line I spoke of before also runs through this temple and it was here that I found the only node in both temples, with a a clock wise rotational spin it consisted of 12 spirals with a second manifestation of 8 non coherant petals of various different sizes and shapes.

Further on down from the temple of Um lays Cleopatra's spring even though there is not much there, in fact nothing there that relates to her or any ptolemaic period or person.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road