Comment Post

Re: Auquhollie by Anonymous on Wednesday, 03 October 2007

Here I sit, in western Tennessee, USA, reading and perusing the 'todays' pix vs Lockyer's pix of 1907 and marvelling at the great care and concern you have of these ancient sites and how easy it is today to 'see' and enjoy the places that our ancestors came from. (Actually, a little further south, Lanarkshire)
These photos hlep to bring to life the places of direction and worship of the past; AND to understand that 'they' knew a lot about the sky way before the Catholic church, Copernicus, and even Halley 'discovered' them. Let's hear it for the Druids, celts or whomever.
By the way, I'm hoping Auquhollie is the same as Lockyer's Auchquhorties, the pix look the same.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road