Comment Post

Re: la Loge aux Sarrasins by TheCaptain on Friday, 28 September 2007

After having found no megalithic things at all so far on my latest visit to Normandy, I decided to drive the hour down to Vire with my Dad, and have another look for this, now I know where it is. This was my banker for the trip, as it is clearly marked on the ign 1:25,000 map, and has a GR footpath running right past it.

The visit started off very well, and from the hamlet of La Chaudronniere, the dolmen is now signposted, both from the main road, and two signs at the end of the farm track. We followed the track down to the little pond, but from there it bends round to the left, and doesn't go straight on as marked on the map, where there is a field of maize.

A bit later, the track goes up to towards the top of the hill, but stops short of the back garden of a house, with lots of private, and no through way signs. There was nobody around to ask, and it looked like the house was being rebuilt to double the size. After some looking around, I came to the conclusion that the dolmen is probably hidden somewhere in the maize field, or perhaps somewhere in the grounds of the new house.

Not to be beaten so easily, I drove round to where I had looked a couple of years ago. Right by the trackway to the new house, there is now a sign which was not there two years ago, and which indicates le dolmen, which has been painted out, and also a no through way sign painted onto it. Walking up the trackway as far as possible, it can be seen that the old farmhouse has been bought by new owners, who are not only making the farm into a very big posh house, but they have also completely blocked off the GR footpath, with lots of private and no entry signs. How can they do this ?

My best guess for the dolmen is that it is somewhere in the grounds of this house, and now fenced off from the public - the new owners not wanting anybody passing by on the footpath or looking for the dolmen. This is not right !

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road