Comment Post

Re: Neanderthal Man 'never walked in northern Europe' by Anonymous on Saturday, 11 August 2007

It strikes me that Von Zeiten colaberated with the Nazis and the faking of Human Skulls maskerading as Neanderthals. If the Neanderthal skull that was found in Germany dated as recently as 1300 BC then this would go a long way in coreralting Prof Gunnar Heinsohn's dating of Neanderthals in Europe at 1500 BC. Another interesting point is Bill Cooper's After the Flood with Partholan's arrival in Ireland dated annomundi 2520 or 1484 BC while the Neanderthals were in Britain arriving at the same time which on my time line is am 1969 or 2035 BC. JohnHXF ([email protected])

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road