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Re: Tschengla by Stonegps on Friday, 04 May 2007

The Stonecircle of Bürserberg-Tschengla and Ronna was found by Mr. Gerhard Pirchl, as Swiss Dowser and Ratiästesthic scientist in 2000. The community of Bürserberg, with the financal help of the EU, has uprighted some fallen down standing stones in 2002 to bring back the wunderfull stonecircle in his original position. The by archeologists proofed Stonecircle is from 3200B.C. and has been build from the Raetian culture. Tschengla was a ancient large village with some hunderts of houses an a huge templecomplex, which was located in April 2007 by Mr. Pirchl and his team. The main sensation on Tschengla was the evacuation of thousands of Ratiastones under the grasslayer in a line out in the landscape from each standing stone in an exact angle. This Raetiastones are transmitting a untill now unknown radiation ( Test under way on the University of Vienna-Experimantal physics), which can be messured after hundert of miles by dowsers, Mr. Pirchl and his team has found the same Navigation System also in Carnac/Brittany aswell Stonehenge,Malta, Sardinia and Corsica. Over this research a new book is under way and on the market at september 07. ( The rediscovery of an ancient 6000year old Navigationssystem in the Mediterranean) You can read further information in the book " Geheimniss Adernsterne- The secret of the Raetian veinstars"-Gerhard Pirchl, Folio Verlag ISBN 3.85256-298-9 and on ( starting at 15.7.07) Thomas Walli Innsbruck Austria

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