Comment Post

Re: Lanacombe 4 by TheCaptain on Wednesday, 28 March 2007

I spent ages looking for this, using not only maps, gps and 8 fig grid ref from Somerset SMR, but also just using my stonehunting instincts in my head, having found a lot of these small Exmoor stone settings beforehand without having to resort to modern technology (not always the best way anyhow, because of innaccurate reference data).

What did I find ? Absolutely nothing. Not a Sausage. Diddley Squat.

I am not saying there is nothing here, it could easily be that all the stones are fallen and buried under the peat and grass. As were 4 of the 5 stones at Lanacombe 3. But then I found them.

I have to admit that hunting down these Exmoor stone settings has become quite a challenge to me. I thought I had done well on Dartmoor finding some difficult to find places, including the probable remains of a long lost stone circle. But these are something else. They don't all occupy the same sort of position in the landscape. They are not on ridgetops or valley bottoms, nor facing in any particular direction. And don't even think of hunting them down in summer when everything has grown !!! This is a winter or early spring activity !!!

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road