Comment Post

Re: West Anstey Long Stone by TheCaptain on Friday, 16 March 2007

Despite being just a couple of hundred metres to the north of the ridge top road, and easily reached along bridleways from a good parking area, this stone is not the easiest to find, as it cannot be seen from the road, or indeed from anywhere to the south until you are quite close, as it lies well below the ridge top.

The best way to find this stone is to walk to the top of the little valley which runs to the north into Dane’s Brook, with woodland on its western side, and there it is, right at the head of the valley. Despite being difficult to see from above, the stone is probably very prominent when seen from the valley below.

The stone seems to be a sort of slate type rock, about 4 feet high, 1 foot wide and 6 inches thick, with its wide sides facing east/west, while its thin profile looks straight down into the steep little valley. I have no doubt that this stone was placed here for some very significant reason for people living down in the valley below.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road