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Owner Invites Archaeologists to Circle by bat400 on Wednesday, 14 March 2007

The new owner of the property containing the suspected earthwork enclosure, Larry New, has invited Ball State University archaeologists to visit the site.

Story by Seth Slabaugh of the Muncie Star Press----

"YORKTOWN -- Is it a moat dug in the 20th century or an enclosure made by Woodland Indians about 2,000 years ago?

"Larry New, an owner and developer of retirement communities, is inviting Ball State University archaeologists onto a potential development site today to investigate who built a circular, 150-foot-diameter ditch.

" 'I was told from previous owners that it was a fox farm, and they bred and raised foxes on that area and had a moat around the area where the foxes were kept so the foxes would not escape,' New said Tuesday.

"Aerial views of the site indicate to BSU researchers that it is an earthwork like those found at Mounds State Park, where prehistoric Indians once gathered.

" 'I definitely want to preserve anything of value,' said New, who owns retirement communities in four states, including the nearby Crown Pointe Senior Living Community. 'If it's just a fox farm, I want to know that, too.'

"New bought the property with the intent of developing it into housing and professional offices. 'If it's something prehistoric, we are going to check into it and take it step by step,' he said. 'If it's anything of importance, we will deal with it accordingly. We are glad to work with the proper people. It could be a benefit to make it a historical park. I'm not opposed to any of that.' "

[Locals recall a fox farm in the area, but not on the circle location.]

For more, see the Muncie Star Press.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road