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Re: Mayan Ruins from Mysterious Site in Honduras by Andy B on Monday, 04 December 2006

It was a Reuters report, here it is.

"The stela is a sculpture of various human and animal forms and is truly amazing in how well conserved it is," Neils said.

Three feet (1 meter) high and more than 4-1/2 feet (1-1/2 meters) wide, the stela is being displayed in the park of the nearby town of Moroceli, about 30 miles east of the capital of Tegucigalpa.

Neils said the site has been damaged by tractors involved in sugar cane growing, prompting Honduras' Culture Ministry to move to protect it.

This site is completely distinct, Neils said.

"Its culture is an enigma," added the Mexican archeologist.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road